Inverse Fractal is an art collective. All endeavors take creativity and self expression. Each person’s ideas are unique to themselves as an individual. When combined with other’s ideas greater dimensions and depth can be discovered.

When examining a fractal you can dive ever deeper into smaller and smaller geometric detail and never reach the end. The Inverse Fractal is the infinite expansion generated by the combination of ideas. Each new idea combines and creates ever expanding dimensions and perspective.

The practice of a specific skill is the only way one reaches a level of proficiency. The interesting thing is to reach true mastery in a skill many times it is the expansion of experience outside of the skill which pushes a person to that elevated level. The writer does not become a better writer by simply writing. It is by experiencing life being exposed to broadening views and tackling challenging concepts. The artist’s work typically reflects the journey taken to get to the point of generating a given piece. It was not just the effort of creation it was the experiences leading to it.

An ever expanding collection of ideas from unique individuals will expose ever greater dimensions of experiences forming the Inverse Fractal.
